Jennifer’s Homemade
We create products people love out of passion and inspiration with integrity and quality, so they can enjoy them as much as we enjoy creating them.
We create products people love out of passion and inspiration with integrity and quality, so they can enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them. Jennifer made breadsticks for dinner parties and friends fell in love. After years of people telling her to sell her breadsticks, a marketing background, and a divorce, Jennifer had an epiphany, create a business doing what she loved machen sie einen blick auf diese seite. In 2005, Jennifer was a single mother often cooking with her young daughter Stephanie. She started Jennifer’s Homemade out of her passion for baking and the inspiration to create delicious products with integrity and quality. Our dough is made from scratch using an Italian biga and only a few natural ingredients. A biga is a pre-fermentation that gives our products delicious flavor, added texture and makes them less perishable and easier to digest. Everything is vegan, non-GMO, and all-natural. Jennifer’s Homemade has been featured in Food & Wine and Gourmet Magazines, The New York Times, The Miami Herald, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, National Public Radio, an American Express OPEN small business print advertising campaign and Jennifer baked with Martha Stewart on MARTHA, The Martha Stewart Show. Jennifer’s Homemade breadsticks and flatbread are sold in gourmet markets, hotels, and restaurants nationwide. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them.
Contact Information
W: jennifershomemade.com
E: [email protected]
P: ( 305) 261-6488
Jennifer’s Homemade
4384 Southwest 73rd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33155
South Florida, Miami Dade County, Veg-friendly