This article explains the overall vision and why you should become an active part of our community. So there are three main sections to SoFlo Vegans, and I’m going to take you through each of them.

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News and Media Content

SoFlo Vegans is the eyes and ears of the growing vegan community in South Florida. This comes in the form of producing podcasts, articles, social media content, videos, and a magazine. Coverage is contributed by passionate volunteers who believe in our mission and want to play a key role in making it a reality. We are committed to showcasing all of the vegan businesses, nonprofits, and events that take place in our community. The only thing that we ask for in return, is that the community keeps providing and supporting these valuable services. As your support continues to grow, so will the platform and ability to spotlight the vegan scene in South Florida.



Marketing and Production Services

SoFlo Vegans is backed by Lesaruss Media, a marketing agency with over 25 years of professional experience. Our specialty is building bridges in the community. In 2021, we are shifting to making our services affordable and accessible for the vegan community. These services include web design, mobile app development, video production, social media management, SEO, and pretty much everything else you can imagine. We’re also creating job opportunities for community members by connecting with talented media producers and managers. These individuals are also lending their gifts to help propel SoFlo Vegans. This allows us to continue to scale as an organization and provide news and promotion to the community. Another part aspect of business services is promotion. This includes sponsorships and advertising.



LIVE Events

The third aspect of our organization is our LIVE events. Since officially launching in 2017, we’ve hosted and supported over 300 events in South Florida. We even jumped into the digital space throughout 2020, launching an expo, with over 15 different guests, and three days of original programming. We have some really exciting things coming up for 2021 as well as 2022. Our goal is to build a promotional system that guarantees a massive turnout for any event that is supported by our organization.



How You Can Help

We are building our network, and connecting with the vegan community locally, nationally, and globally. The goal is to surround ourselves with bright minds that can help us develop innovative ways of showing that South Florida is a global hotspot for veganism. When individuals and businesses decide to support SoFlo Vegans, it also supports every single person in South Florida, both vegan and non-vegan.

If you are reading this right now, you have several options available to show your support. As an individual, you can become a member to receive updates and calls to action on how to support various campaigns. There are also sustainer options where you can contribute a monthly financial contribution, receiving some additional perks in the process. As a business, we have a similar option where you can join for free to stay plugged in, and sustainer plans that help us fund the news coverage of the community.

The easiest way to support SoFlo Vegans is to visit our Support Page and complete as many actions as possible. This includes following and engaging on social media so we can hit important milestones in order to monetize and unlock features that make it easier to promote our community. If you would like to lend your gifts and time to SoFlo Vegans, please reach out to me personally using our contact form.



Stay up to date with the Business Gazette

This is phase one of our vision for South Florida. Once we gaining your support, we can begin moving into phase 2 where we begin making significant investments in the community. Stay up to date each week with new issues of the Business Gazette.