SoFlo Vegans sponsored a fundraiser held at Anuttara Yoga studio in Delray Beach, Florida on December 3, 2017. The event was to benefit WiseTribe, an education nonprofit that empowers individuals as engaged citizens through collaborative learning opportunities. By bringing diverse generations and cultures together for project-based experiences, WiseTribe strengthens the well-being and sustainability of our communities. We encourage vendors to support WiseTribe in any way they can, a gift card, portion of proceeds, want to learn more be sure to stop by the Wisetribe booth
Anuttara Yoga Shala and School: is a School of Yoga with the most diverse and varied menu of authentic yoga all as Anuttara Yoga, the Supreme Yoga. Each event will consist of an ever-changing lineup of local entrepreneurs. Anuttara Yoga Events gives back to the local community by partnering with non-profit organizations in the area. To learn more about Anuttara teacher training, packages and retreats see me or visit the Anuttara booth day of the event.